Please follow the steps below to make payment for your course using SkillsFuture Credits:
Step 1. Head to the SkillsFuture Website for Certified Scrum Master
Step 2. Login and click on Claim SkillsFuture Credits
Step 3. Fill up the form with the relevant information:
Company Name: Agile Asia Pte Ltd
Course Name: Certified Scrum Master P190516SAE
Course Start Date: [Start Date of the Course you registered for]
Fees Payable By You: $101.65
Amount of Credit to Claim: $101.65
Pay To: Training Provider
Upload Document: [Upload the invoice you’ve received via email]
Step 4. Take a screenshot of your SkillsFuture payment
Step 5. Complete the process by sending us the screenshots here’ Upload SkillsFuture Screenshots
Useful Links:
CSPO Skillsfuture Claim Process
, How To Become An Effective Product Owner, Agile Vs Waterfall, Leading SAFe Certification Course, A-CSPO Course, Design Sprint And Innovation Certification Course